Det Norske Jentekor

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we often forget to take some time to enjoy it.  Well, it is time to take a break and enjoy a selection of beautiful Norwegian Christmas songs performed by the incredible Norwegian youth choir.

The entire album can be purchased from Amazon.

An Evening of Mongolian Entertainment

Pop a bottle of wine, clear an half of an hour from distraction, and join me on a wonderful feast for the eyes and ears: a two-part tour of Mongolian folk music.

Instead of embedding all of the videos in one, long page, I decided to use a YouTube playlist.  This should make it much easier to sit back and enjoy the music, especially if you are watching this on a TV.

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Свети Георги – Ђурђевдан – Ederlezi

Called by many names (Свети Георги – Sveti Georgi – Saint George; Ђурђевдан – Djurdjevdan – Saint George’s Day) Ederlezi is a traditional Balkan tune (though there is some debate about its exact origins).  It was also my first encounter of Eastern European folk music; although I didn’t know this at the time.  It was a millennium ago, in a time known as the 1990’s.  My Bulgarian roommate and I wore down several tapes of Каналето (Kanaleto’s) “The Best” CD, the finale of which is:

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If you are the performer, or know who is, please contact me!  This performance is amazing and I want to buy every CD you sell.

No, even the poster doesn’t know where the music came from.  Please help us solve this mystery.  I am not the only one who wants to know.

Triakel is Back

Over a year ago we were enticed with the promised of Triakel’s return with the announcement of a new CD in the works.  Well, after a long period of absence, the group has returned.  Their website has been complete overhauled and they released a wonderful new CD (samples available here, can be purchased from  Alas, there is nothing new on YouTube yet, but they do keep their Facebook page up-to-date.